Focus Session

Contributor Attribution Systems

These are details for a focus session on the CIVIC Data Library. For more information on the library, visit the CIVIC Library Hub

Contributor Attribution Systems

  • collaboration
  • attribution
  • schema
  • labor
  • teamwork
Synchronous virtual meeting: Fri, Dec 4, 8:00 PM UTC
  • Expected outcomes: An initial design for how we track, credit, and show labor across our system of contributors
  • Encouraged applicants: People who are interested in systems of attribution, community organizers / managers
  • Expected preparation time: 5-10 hours

"The work of data science, like all work in the world, is the work of many hands. Data feminism makes this labor visible so that it can be recognized and valued." – Data Feminism, Catherine D'Ignazio & Lauren Klein

The CIVIC Data Library aspires to make labor visible β€” and teamwork makes the dream work! How can we track, credit, and celebrate the work all of the amazing people that make this work possible in a highly collaborative, interdisciplinary, emergent environment? This session will produce an initial design for how we track and credit work for all types of contributors.

Questions this session will address: How can we design this system in a way that celebrates credit and attribution for work while providing options for public (in)visibility? How can we create prestige and other benefits for our contributors that help our community to succeed? How can we credit different types of work β€” from facilitation to metadata editing to coding to participating in a focus session on designing attribution systems?

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